Financial Year: 2023/2024
Stakeholder Engagement – Meeting of the Chairs/Co-Chairs of the Technical Working Groups
The Division engaged the Chairs/Co-Chairs of the Technical Working Groups empaneled in respect of the National Anticorruption Strategy in a stakeholder engagement session on September 15, 2023.
Stakeholder Engagement – Jamaica Chamber of Commerce
The Director and Manager Anticorruption Policy and Strategic Engagement engaged the leadership of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce in a stakeholder engagement session in respect of the National Anticorruption Strategy on Tuesday August 15 2023.
Stakeholder Engagement – Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU)
The Division on Tuesday July 25, 2023 briefed the representatives from the TIU on the proceedings of the 1st Stakeholder Engagement Session that was held in respect of the National Anticorruption Strategy in April 2023.
Stakeholder Engagement – Ministry of Health and Wellness MOHW
The Division on Thursday July 13, 2023 briefed the representatives from the Ministry of Health and Wellness on the proceedings of the 1st Stakeholder Engagement Session that was held in respect of the National Anticorruption Strategy in April 2023.
Stakeholder Engagement – Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions JCTU
The Division on Friday July 7, 2023 briefed the representative from the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions JCTU on the proceedings of the 1st Stakeholder Engagement Session that was held in respect of the NAS in April 2023.
Stakeholder Engagement –Jamaica Accountability Meter Portal [JAMP]
The Division on Friday June 23, 2023 briefed the executive leadership of JAMP on the proceedings of the 1st Stakeholder Engagement Session that was held in respect of the NAS in April 2023.
Stakeholder Engagement – Meeting with the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs
The Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy met with the Permanent Secretary Ministry of Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Monday May 22, 2023.
Financial Year: 2022/2023
Meeting with Jamaicans for Justice
The Director along with the other Statutory Directors and representatives from the Corruption Prevention Division met with the leadership of Jamaicans for Justice including its Executive Director on Thursday March 30, 2023.
Courtesy Call – Crime Stop
The Division paid a courtesy call on the Chairperson of Crime Stop and the Manager, Crime Stop on January 10, 2023.
Participation in the Office of the Political Ombudsman’s School Outreach – Democratic Heritage Tour
The Division participated via a booth and delivery of a brief presentation on the work of the Commission to students of the MICO University College on October 14, 2022.
Courtesy Call - Institute of Chartered Accountants of Jamaica
The Division paid a courtesy call to the President of the ICAJ and her Executive team on Tuesday October 4, 2022.
Meeting with the Political/Economic Counselor for the United States Embassy
The Director participated in a courtesy call meeting along with the Executive Director and the other Statutory Directors with the newly appointed Political/Economic Counselor and the Political and Regional Team Lead for the U.S. Embassy. This meeting was held on Thursday, September 22, 2022.
Courtesy Call – Jamaica Customs
The Director along with the Director of Investigation, the Director of Information and Complaints and the Director of Corruption Prosecution paid a courtesy call to the Commissioner of Customs and her Executive team on Friday September 16, 2022 and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission
—Courtesy Call – Public Defender
The Director paid a courtesy call with the Public Defender and her team on Friday September 9, 2022. and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission
Courtesy Call – Political Ombudsman
The Director paid a courtesy call on the Political Ombudsman and her Legal Counsel on Tuesday September 6 2022 and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission
—Courtesy Call Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions [JCTU]
The Director and members of the Division paid a courtesy call to Executive Members of the Jamaica Confederation of Trade Unions on Thursday July 21 2022 and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission
Courtesy Call Jamaicans for Justice [JFJ]
As part of its stakeholder engagement mandate the Director met with the Executive Director of JFJ on Thursday June 16, 2022 and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission
Courtesy Call Jamaica Environment Trust [JET]
As part of its stakeholder engagement mandate the Director met with the Executive Director of JET on Friday June 10 2022 and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission
Speaker of the House of Representatives – Courtesy Call
As part of its stakeholder engagement mandate the Director met with the Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives on Wednesday June 8 2022.
Courtesy Call – Permanent Secretary and Presentation to Executive Management Ministry of Education and Youth
The Division delivered a presentation on Anticorruption and Good Governance to members of the Executive Committee including the Permanent Secretary at the Ministry of Education and Youth on Monday June 6, 2022.
World Bank Luncheon
The Director represented the Commission at a luncheon meeting with Ms. Mari Pangestu, the World Bank Managing Director for Development Policy and Partnerships and the International Finance Corporation Manager for the Caribbean Region and other civil society and governance advocates on Friday, May 6, 2022
Ministry of Education and Youth – Presentation to Senior Management
The Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy and members of the Division delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to members of the senior management team at the MOEY on Thursday May 5, 2022.
Courtesy Call - Caribbean Policy Research Institute [CAPRI]
As part of its stakeholder engagement mandate the Director and members of the Division met with the Executive Director of CAPRI on Thursday May 2 2022.
Courtesy Call – Director General - MOCA
The Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy and members of the Division paid a courtesy call and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the to the Director General, MOCA and his Executive team on the Wednesday, April 6, 2022.
Courtesy Call – Financial Secretary
The Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy and members of the Division paid a courtesy call and delivered a presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Financial Secretary and members of her team including its Deputy Financial Secretary, Public Enterprises Division, Senior Director, Public Enterprises Division and Chief Technical Director, Financial Investigations Division on Tuesday April 5 2022.
Financial Year: 2021/2022
Courtesy Call and Presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Executive Director, Transformation Implementation Unit (TIU) and team members of the TIU on Friday February 18, 2022.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Director General, Public Sector Transformation and Modernization Division (PSTMD), Office of the Cabinet and executives of the PSTMD on Friday January 28, 2022.
Presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to Government Libraries Information Network of Jamaica (GLINJa) on Tuesday January 25, 2022.
Presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Programme Director and members of the Vision 2030 Secretariat, Planning Institute of Jamaica on Monday January 24, 2022.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Executive Director, Jamaica Accountability Meter Portal on Friday January 21, 2022.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to Dr. Ruby Brown, Chief Executive Officer, Management Institute for National Development and Executives of the MIND on Wednesday January 19, 2022.
Presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Executive Council of Jamaica Civil Service Association on Tuesday January 11, 2022.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the President of the Private Sector Organization of Jamaica and Executives of the PSOJ on Wednesday December 15, 2021.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Chief Personnel Officer, Office of the Services Commission on Tuesday November 30, 2021.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to Mr. O’Neil Grant President of the Jamaica Civil Service Association and Executives of the Jamaica Civil Service Association on Tuesday November 16, 2021.
Courtesy Call and presentation on Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Principal Director, National Integrity Action (NIA) and executives of the NIA on Friday November 12, 2021.
Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the President of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce (JCC) and Executives of the Jamaica Chamber of Commerce on Tuesday November 2, 2021.
—Courtesy Call and presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Crime Monitoring and Oversight Committee on Tuesday November 2, 2021.
Courtesy Call to Mr. Mark Golding, Leader of the Opposition on Tuesday October 26, 2021.
Courtesy Call to Dr. Wayne Henry, Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica and Executives of the PIOJ, on Tuesday, October 5, 2021.
Courtesy Call to Ambassador the Honourable Douglas Saunders, Cabinet Secretary on Tuesday September 28, 2021.