Kevon Alexander Stephenson, JP; MSc; LL.B (Hons); BSc (Hons); LEC; ACFS
Hailing from the parish of Manchester, Mr. Kevon Stephenson was appointed as the Director of Investigation at the Integrity Commission by His Excellency the Governor General on May 18, 2020. Prior to this, he served as the Director of Evaluation and Standards at the Independent Commission of Investigations (INDECOM). During his tenure he contributed significantly to the development of criminal investigation policies, training and the establishment of a performancebased culture within the organization. In the year 2020 he received the Independent Commission of Investigation’s 10th Anniversary Cornerstone Award for his contribution to the development of that entity.
He received his tertiary education from the University of Technology, Jamaica, where he pursued a Bachelor of Science degree in Urban and Regional Planning. He also attended the University of London, United Kingdom (UK), where he earned a Bachelor of Laws degree. In 2014, he was one of four Commonwealth Scholars from Jamaica studying in the United Kingdom. This opportunity allowed him to complete a Master of Science degree in Crime Science, Investigation, and Intelligence at the University of Portsmouth (UK). In 2015, he completed his dissertation at the Institute of Criminal Justice Studies, University of Portsmouth entitled “Towards the accurate recording of witness testimony: An assessment of the accuracy of the products [Written witness Statement (WWS) and Record of Video Interview (ROVI)] of forensic interviews [Cognitive Interview (CI) and Standard Police Question and Answer (SPQ&A)]. He also holds several postgraduate certificates and is an alumnus of the Norman Manley Law School, where he attained a Legal Education Certificate. He is called to the Jamaican Bar and which qualifies him to practice as an Attorney-at-law in the several courts of Jamaica.
He has received the following Counter- Fraud Professional Board Accreditations from the Counter- Fraud Professional Awards Board of the United Kingdom: - Accredited Counter- Fraud Specialist (ACFS) and Accredited Counter- Fraud Technician (ACFTech).
Mr. Stephenson is passionate about enhancing Jamaica’s criminal investigation infrastructure, ultimately strengthening the nations ability to combat crime and corruption. In his professional capacity, he has developed several courses and training programmes for investigators, these include, ‘Writing Investigation Strategies for Senior Investigators’; ‘Major Incident Room (MIR) Investigation Methodology’; ‘Decisionmaking in Investigations and the Lead Investigators’ Policy File’; ‘Countering Fraud and Corruption in the Workplace’; and Investigative Interviewing techniques namely, PEACE Model, Cognitive Interview Techniques and Conversation Management.
Mr. Stephenson's commitment to promoting youth development in Jamaica and the Caribbean region is evidenced by his active participation in the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force (JCCF). Presently holding the rank of Major, he has received notable honors from the entity, including the Caribbean Cadet Medal, the JCCF 75th Anniversary Medal, and the JCCF's medal for Long and Efficient service in acknowledgment of his significant role in fostering youth development at both the local and regional levels. He is also a Duke of Edinburgh International Award Supporter and a member of the National Board of Directors.
Mr. Stephenson is also one of His Majesty’s Justices of the Peace for Jamaica. Apart from his professional life, he is a devoted father and a dedicated family man, who in his spare time enjoys, reading, traveling, hiking, watching television and researching history.