Financial Year: 2024/2025
Presentation at 153rd Annual Synod Conference April 4, 2024
The Director delivered a presentation on Anticorruption and Good Governance at the 153rd Annual Synod Conference that was held on April 4, 2024 in Montego Bay St. James.
Financial Year: 2023/2024
UNODC – Tenth Session of the Conference of the State Parties (COSP)
Along with representatives from the Attorney General’s Chambers, the Director along with the Manager Anticorruption Policy and Strategic Engagement formed part of the Jamaican delegation to the Tenth Session of the Conference of the State Parties to the United Nations Convention Against Corruption that was held during the period 11th – 15th December 2023.
UNODC Final Online Global Consultation on Corruption Measurement Framework
During the period under review the Division participated in some of the sessions that were held in respect of the UNODC’s Final Online Global Consultation on Corruption Measurement Framework that was held over the period November 6 and 8 2023.
UNODC Anti-Corruption Hub Launch of Portal October 9-11 2023
The Manager Anticorruption Policy and Strategic Engagement attended the UNODC’s AntiCorruption Hub Launch that was held over the period October 9-11 2023 in Port of Spain, Trinidad.
OAS-MESICIC- On-site visit to Jamaica
The Division coordinated the representation and led the participation of the Commission at the 6th round of review on-site OAS-MESICIC visit to Jamaica over the period September 25- 29 2023.
Global Conference on Harnessing Data to improve Corruption Measurement (31 August to 1 September 2023)
During the period under review the Division participated in a United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Global Conference on Harnessing Data to improve Corruption Measurement that was held over the period 31 August to 1 September 2023.
Corruption Prosecution Division, Integrity Commission - Cross Divisional Training on "Illicit Enrichment"
During the period under review the Division participated in a Corruption Prosecution Division, Integrity Commission hosted "Cross Divisional Training on Illicit Enrichment” that was held on Monday 21st of August, 2023
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) Anti-Corruption Hub for Latin America and the Caribbean Anti-Corruption Hub visit to Jamaica 20-21 July, 2023
During the period under review the Division on behalf of the Commission hosted a delegation from the UNODC who conducted a working mission to Jamaica on Thursday July 20, 2023 and Friday July 21, 2023 to, inter alia, present to the Commission a regional platform forum for States and development partners to create and foster partnerships and design actions to achieve tangible results and effectively respond to recommendations from both the United Nations Convention against Corruption UNCAC and the Inter-American Convention Against Corruption IACAC.
Management Institute for National Development MIND - Train the Trainers Workshop
The Division participated in a MIND Train the Trainers Workshop on July 3, 4 and 5, 2023.
World Bank Country Partnership Framework Consultation - Integrity Commission
On behalf of the Commission the Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy participated in a “Consultation on the WBG Jamaica Country Partnership Framework FY24 – FY27” that was hosted by the World Bank on Monday June 26, 2023.
UNODC Invitation to 14th WG on Prevention of Corruption and 14th Implementation Review Group
During the period under review the Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy participated virtually in the UNODC 14th WG on the Prevention of Corruption and 14th Implementation Review Group meeting that was held in Vienna Austria over the period June 12th to 16th 2023.
Ninth Annual Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti-Corruption Bodies (CCAICACB) Conference
During the period under review the Director Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy attended virtually the Ninth Annual Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti-Corruption Bodies (CCAICACB) Conference that was held in Guyana over the period April 17-21, 2021. On behalf of the Commission and delivered the Country Report for Jamaica on Wednesday April 19, 2023.
Financial Year: 2022/2023
Parliamentary Oversight Committee – Integrity Commission
The Director attended a Meeting of the Integrity Commission Joint-Select Oversight Committee on Wednesday, March 29, 2023.
The Follow-Up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption - MESICIC Conference March 2023
The Director was part of the Government of Jamaica delegation that participated in the MESICIC Conference that was held over the period March 13-16 2023.
Joint Select Committee to review the Integrity Commission Act, 2017
The Director participated in deliberations of the Joint Select Committee of Parliament empaneled to review the Integrity Commission Act that was held on Tuesday October 18, 2022.
Participation in the Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the MESICIC Committee of Experts
The Director formed part of Jamaica’s delegation to the Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-Up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption [MESICIC] that was held over the period Monday September 12, 2022 to Thursday September 15, 2022. The Director of Corruption Prevention Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy delivered the country report for Jamaica on Wednesday September 14, 2022.
8th Annual CCAICACB Conference May 2022
The Manager, Stakeholder Engagement and Anticorruption Strategy presented the country report for Jamaica at the 8th Annual CCAICACB Conference that was held in St. Kitts between Monday May 23, 2022 to Friday May 27, 2022.
Financial Year: 2021/2022
Presentation on Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Reforms: An Imperative for Public Bodies to Board Executives of the South East Regional Health Authority Board Retreat on Thursday March 31, 2022.
—Presentation on Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Reforms: An Imperative for Public Bodies to Board Executives of the North East Regional Health Authority Board Retreat on Saturday March 26, 2022.
Presentation on Anti-Corruption and Good Governance to the Mona Governance Society on Thursday February 3, 2022.
Presentation on the Anticorruption Framework, Good Governance in Jamaica and the work of the Integrity Commission to the Permanent Secretaries Board Retreat on December 2 2021.
The Jamaica Bankers Association (JBA) 10th Annual Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter Financing of Terrorism (CFT) Virtual Conference that was held on October 13 2021 and where the Division presented on the topic “Anti-Bribery & Corruption- the link to Anti Money Laundering”.
Commonwealth Caribbean Association of Integrity Commissions and Anti- Corruption Bodies (CCAICACB) 2nd Annual Virtual Conference and Annual General Meeting on June 30 and 1 July 2021 in which the Division delivered the Country Report for Jamaica;