Conducted into the Circumstances Surrounding the Award of Contract to Kinghtsman Security Ltd. for the Provision of Security Services at the Downtown Kingston Transportation Centre for the period 2010 to 2011
Concerning Allegations of Impropriety and Irregularity in the Award of Contracts, the Issuance of Licences and the Implementation of Projects by the Jamaica Dairy Development Board and/or the Ministry of Industry, Commerce, Agriculture and Fisheries
Report of Investigation Concerning Allegations of Fraud in relation to the Registration and Issuance of a Notification of an “Approved Supplier of Goods and Services to the Government of Jamaica” Letter to Elegant Weddings, Event Planning and Catering Limited
Report of Investigation Concerning Allegations of Conflict of Interest in the Award of Contract for Artistic Direction of the 2016 Independence Grand Gala Celebration by the Jamaica Cultural Development Commission (JCDC)
Special Report of Investigation -Conducted into Allegations of Illegal and/or Unregulated Sand Mining Activities in the Vicinity
Concerning the Circumstances which Led to the Approval and Issuance of Prescribed Licences and Permits by the Ministry of Labour
Investigation into the failure of an employee of SERHA to file Statutory Declarations - Dianne Jackson
Investigation into the failure of an employee of SERHA to file Statutory Declarations - Heather White
Investigation into the failure of a Member of Parliament to File Statutory Declarations with the Commission
Concerning Allegations of Impropriety and Irregularity in the Installation of a Car Charging Facility at the St. Ann Municipal C
Special Report of Investigation Conducted into the Circumstances which Led to the Award and Implementation of a Contract by Turb
Investigation into the failure of an employee of SERHA to file Statutory Declarations - Sandra Chambers
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