Conducted into the Circumstances Surrounding Procurement activities undertaken in the Renovation of the Spanish Town High School
Forty-four (44) Separate Investigations Conducted into the Failure of Employees of the Transport Authority to File Statutory Declarations.
Conducted into the Allegations of Impropriety and Irregularity Surrounding the Award of a Contract Regarding the Provision of Quantity Surveying Services at a Property Located at 4 Windsor Road, St. Ann's Bay
Investigation Into the Allegations Concerning Acts of Improprieties and Irregularities in the Procurement Practices at the Bethlehem Moravian College during the period 2015-2017
Conducted into the Circumstances Surrounding the Award of Government of Jamaica Contracts to Westcon Construction Limited during the Period 2006 to 2009
Conducted into the Circumstances which led to the Award and Implementation of a Contract, in the Amount of $46,851,105.30 to Rahim’s Cleaning and Trucking Limited, by the St. Ann Municipal Corporation in the Relation to its Ochi Rios Covid-19 Sanitation and Cleaning Project
Conducted Into Allegations of Conflict of Interest, Irregularity and/or Impropriety in relation to the Construction of Buildings by Mr. Ian Hayles, Member of Parliament for Western Hanover without Approval from the Hanover Parish Council.
Concerning the Circumstances Surrounding the Procurement Process(es) for the Award of Contracts for the Provision of Rosenbauer Fire Trucks (Pumpers) (through the National Safety Limited) by the Jamaica Fire Brigade
Allegations of Acts of Irregularity, Impropriety, Conflict of Interest and Corruption in the Award of Certain Contracts by Petrojam Limited Report No. 3
Investigation into the failure of Horace Dalley, a former Member of Parliament to file a Statutory Declaration with the Commission
Concerning Allegations of Nepotism, Conflict of interest, Impropriety and/or Irregularity in relation to Contractors Recommended and Board Appointments made by the Member of Parliament for North Western St. Elizabeth
Concerning Allegations of Conflict of Interest, Irregularities and/or Impropriety in the Appointment of Mrs. Olive Downer Walsh to the National Board of Directors of the Rural Agricultural Development Authority
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