Air Jamaica London Heathrow Slots Divestment Report

The OCG's Report of Investigation into the Divestment of Air Jamaica's London, Heathrow Slots was tabled in the House of Representatives on Tuesday, April 7, 2009 and in the Senate on Friday, May 8, 2009. An Addendum to the Report was also tabled in both Houses of Parliament on the said dates. 

In consequence, and acting in the public interest and in pursuance of the powers that are reserved to a Contractor General by Section 28 (4) of the Contractor General Act, the OCG has published, hereunder, the said Report and Addendum (hereinafter in this section referred to as "the Report"). 

The OCG's Report of Investigation in this matter has implicated, inter alia, Dr. Omar Davies, the former Minister of Finance and Planning, and Mr. O.K. Melhado, the former Chairman of Air Jamaica. Both gentlemen, in turn, have publicly challenged some aspects of the Report. 

The OCG has, however, rejected the said challenges as being devoid of merit and incapable of any credible substantiation, particularly having regard to the sworn and documentary evidence which has been entered upon the record. 

The OCG strongly encourages members of the Jamaican Public to carefully read the Report in its entirety. 

In an effort to assist the Public to isolate and elucidate some of the central and pivotal issues of the Investigation, and to ensure that it is fully availed with some of the relevant pieces of documentary evidence upon which the Findings, Conclusions, Referrals and Recommendations of the OCG are founded, the OCG has re-produced, hereunder, certified electronic copies of 25 supporting documents which were entered into evidence during the course of the Investigation, together with other pertinent documentation. 

The OCG's publication of the referenced documents is being made pursuant to the powers that are reserved to a Contractor General by Sections 24 (1) (b) and 28 (4) of the Contractor General Act

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