Training Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials Firearm Licensing Authority [FLA]

Through its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials the Division delivered select modules to Officials assigned to the Firearm Licensing Authority on Tuesday June 14 2022, Tuesday June 21 2022, Friday June 24, 2022, Friday July 8, 2022 and Tuesday July 12, 2022.

Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials – Office of the Prime Minister/Office of the Cabinet

Through its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials the Division delivered a presentation on Good Governance at the OPM’s Topical Issues and Educational Forum that was held for select staff of both Ministries. This was delivered on August 12 2022. This presentation also included representation from the Information and Complaints Division.

Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials - Ministry of Labor and Social Security

Through its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials the Division in collaboration with the Investigation Division delivered select modules to Senior Officials of the Ministry of Labor and Social Security to include the Permanent Secretary on September 9, 2022.

Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials - National Works Agency

Through its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials the Division jointly with the Investigation Division facilitated a delivery on September 21, 2022 to select staff of the National Works Agency (NWA) on the Anticorruption framework, the Contract Reporting System (CRS) and the Contracts Cost Overruns and Variations (CCOV) in furtherance of the NWA’s need to accurately complete the IC’s referenced reports. 

Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials – Office of the Political Ombudsman

Through its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials the Division during the period under review delivered select modules to all staff of the Office of the Political Ombudsman and associate groupings including their JCF liaison officers, members of their youth arm and the Political Awareness and Respect Initiative on Thursday September 29, 2022.