Participation in the Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the MESICIC Committee of Experts

The Director formed part of Jamaica’s delegation to the Thirty-Eighth Meeting of the Committee of Experts of the Follow-Up Mechanism for the Implementation of the Inter-American Convention against Corruption [MESICIC] that was held over the period Monday September 12, 2022 to Thursday September 15, 2022.  The Director of Corruption Prevention Stakeholder Engagement and Anti-Corruption Strategy delivered the country report for Jamaica on Wednesday September 14, 2022.

Training Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials – Ministry of Transport and Mining

Through its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials the Division delivered select modules from its Anti-Corruption and Good Governance workshop modules to the Public Procurement Branch and Procurement Committee members at the Ministry of Transport and Mining on April 14, 2022

Training Anti-Corruption and Good Governance Workshops for Public Officials Electoral Office of Jamaica

Ryan Evans, Director of Corruption Prevention, Stakeholder Engagement and Anticorruption Strategy, Integrity Commission greets Mr. Glasspole Brown, Director of Elections, Electoral Office of Jamaica at an Anticorruption and Good Governance Workshop held for select Staff members of the Electoral Office of Jamaica on Friday June 3, 2022.